Past events
Mapping Methods in Design Research
Representations of methodology produced for the Mapping Methods event at the Open University – January 2020
Design Star residential event, Yorkshire Sculpture Park September 2019
UKRI Design Future Leaders Fellowship Workshops
Chancellor’s Building, Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading
Design Future Leaders Fellowship Workshops
The UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) scheme has been created to support early career researchers and innovators who have outstanding potential. The support offered will be long-term and flexible, with four to seven years of support available of up to £1.2m per applicant.
The AHRC Design Leadership Fellow Professor Paul Rodgers is leading a series of workshops in the UK to help to support the Design research community with practical advice to help understand this opportunity and provide support that will allow you to develop your application to the scheme.
About the Workshops
The Design Future Leaders Fellowship workshops have been designed to help you to understand the Future Leaders Fellowship awards and to help you to best prepare your funding application. On the day, there will be opportunities to meet with AHRC representatives and experienced Design researchers to ask questions and to network with other early career design researchers.
The agenda will include a briefing from the AHRC Design Leadership Fellow (Professor Paul Rodgers), a hands-on workshop where you will focus on preparing aspects of your Design FLF application, a Q&A session, and a working lunch with opportunities for networking. Expert workshop facilitators and AHRC staff will be in attendance to help you to understand more about the Future Leaders Fellowship scheme and give you some insight into how to best prepare your Future Leaders Fellowship proposal.
In Attendance
Professor Paul Rodgers, AHRC Design Leadership Fellow @AHRCDesignLF @paulstweet
Harry Kerr, Portfolio Manager, Creative Arts and Digital Humanities, AHRC
Dr Joanna Dunster, Strategy and Development Manager, AHRC
Are there Events in other Regions of the UK?
This workshop, hosted by Design Star Centre for Doctoral Training is one of a series of four planned workshops taking place during 2019. For details about other events please keep checking for updates on our website ( and social media. For more information about the Future Leadership Fellowships, please see:
Design Star training event: research methods
Design Star “Once upon a time …” Constructing a PhD narrative #designstarmethods
Open University
9th July 2018

Design Star training event: Writing for Books & Journals
23 January 2018, 10.30 welcome
Are you thinking about getting published? Are you interested in engaging wider audiences? How can you cross the divide between research and practice? Whether you’ve got a promising idea, or you just want to deepen your understanding of scholarly communication, this workshop will give you the unique opportunity find out more about the process of getting published, engagement, and wider impact. Design Star will welcome members of the Routledge editorial team, as well as authors and editors working in the field of design studies, to lead this workshop on 23 January 2018 at the University of Reading. Come along to hear informative presentations, to ask questions, and to share your creative ideas.
Design Star workshop January 2018 programme
If you have any queries, please get in touch with Polly Harte
Design Star Induction Day 19 October 2017
Loughborough University in London,
For all Design Star students and staff held at LUiL
Design Star Summer School 13-16 September 2017
Food for thought
For Design Star students held at Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex
The Summer School provided students, supervisors and guests with an exciting three-day experience. There was a varied programme including group projects, student-led sessions, and drop-in activities and space and time to write, reflect and walk in the countryside.

Loughborough Design School Postgraduate Research Conference 2017
Hosted by Loughborough Design School, University of Loughborough
5 & 6 April 2017
For current Design Star students from all cohorts.
Design Star Methods Event
What makes research design research?
The Open University, Library Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes
30 January 2017
For current Design Star students from all cohorts.
Our students supplied posters with their thoughts on Research Methods for their own projects – click on an image to enlarge for more detail
Design Star Induction Day
11 November 2016, Loughborough University (London)
This was a great opportunity to get new and current students, and members of staff together and find out what research is going on.
Activities and talks included Co-designing Design Star activities (Jocelyn Bailey) and Career planning (Richard Bibb)
Rachel Warner, a University of Reading student, said:
‘As a new student embarking on my research under the umbrella of Design Star, Friday’s Design Star event offered many opportunities to connect with fellow researchers and find out more about the diversity of experience and skills of all Design Star students. A workshop, organised by the student rep Jocelyn, culminated in group discussions about the range of research methods and research themes across our work, Design Star values and putting these in to practice, as well as Design Star current and future. New ideas and collaboration potential were evident from the animated conversations and wealth of ideas presented, exciting for a new researcher starting out, and providing huge potential for future collaborations’

3D Printing workshop and Loughborough PhD Conference
12th – 13th April 2016, Loughborough University
On the afternoon of Tuesday 12th April, all Design Star students are invited to come to Loughborough and have a go at some additive manufacturing (commonly known as 3D printing). We will show you the range of things you can do with this, including how it can be used for non-traditional applications such as prosthetics and fashion, and how you can use new ways of interacting with CAD software. Don’t worry about it being techie (we will deal with this) – the idea is for you to have a go, perhaps with something you haven’t come across before.
The following day, Wednesday 13th April, we are running our annual PhD students conference. All Design Star students are welcome to come to this, and FIRST YEARS can enter a poster, as second years did last year. Once again we have rummaged in our pockets for small change and will have some prizes for best poster. As well as posters, there will be about 30 presentations from our 2nd and 3rd year students, covering a wide range of design related topics. It will be an interesting day for you, give you a chance to meet other students doing similar work, and maybe help you with your studies.
Design in Service joint workshop with LDOC
May 2016, London
Inspire and Engage networking evening
28 January 2016, Jerwood Space, London
The evening provides an opportunity for PhD students and early-career researchers in the Arts & Humanities to meet with relevant ‘policy makers’ (loosely construed- civil servants, journalists, representatives of key organisations, etc.) with a view to seeding future collaborations and policy impact. The evening is chiefly geared towards supporting junior academics foster links with a view to shaping policy longer-term.
More information from Olivia Swift:
Inspire & engage

4 December 2015
Birkbeck, University of London
Welcome – Dr Olivia Swift, Royal Holloway, University of London
Keynote I – Professor Marc Stears, Dept of Politics & International Relations, University of Oxford
Giving evidence to Parliament Dr Andrew Blick, Director of History & Policy (& Inst. of Contemporary British History, Kings College London)
Conducting a ‘Delphi Study’ for policy impact Helen Campbell-Pickford, Dept of Education, University of Oxford (creative arts policy)
The value of creating networks for policy and other impact Dr Madeleine Brook, Oxford German Network
Keynote II Matthew Taylor, RSA
Engaging the press Kate Murray, The Guardian, housing & social policy
Social design & policy impact Professor Guy Julier & Jocelyn Bailey, V&A, University of Brighton
Working with museums Professor David Gilbert, Dept of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
Summing up Professor Helen Nicholson, Royal Holloway, University of London
Practice research: biographies, beginnings & futures
Half-day workshop in November 2015
Design Star launch
The 23 September 2015 launch event, organised by Design Star, bought together three of the design Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs). This was hosted by John Mathers at the Design Council who gave a welcome talk. Prof. Tracy Bhamra from Loughborough talked about the importance of partnership working in design, and each of the CDTs gave an outline of their approach and plans. Staff, students and some partners attended the event, which was well-received by students.
Identifying prints
Working with our partner the V&A to deliver a short course in June 2015.
DesRes at Loughborough
Design Star students joined a postgraduate conference at Loughborough University 31 March/1 April 2015, where as well as presenting their research they toured the facilities available to them at Loughborough Design School, and had a Design Star keynote lecture from Prof Neil Mansfield. The event was held in conjunction with Loughborough Design School’s annual postgraduate research group conference ‘DesRes’, with a whole day dedicated to Design Star students